Instagram 101: The Best Times for Posting + Grow your Following

We know… you are probably tired of hearing how everyone and anyone are talking about COVID-19. Amongst the crazy, however, there is a huge potential for social media users to grow organically.

It is reported that social media use has increased by 300% during the pandemic. The audience is definitely there for you to engage with. In particular, short form video content will have a better cut through with more people spending time on their devices. 

So how can you pivot and leverage your social media channels now?

Social media users want to gain something in order to follow you. You can achieve this in all kinds of different ways: by having a great aesthetic, providing tips and tricks, promoting products, and posting entertaining stories - to name a few. 

As PDPR’s resident social media specialist, I have simplified the tools and tips you need into easy and applicable steps to follow.


With Instagram’s algorithm, posts that are the most recent will be more likely pushed to the top of people’s feeds. Therefore, posting when your audience is online is crucial. (1)

The best times for posting has changed since COVID-19 as more individuals and companies are working from home.

According to Sprout Social, the best day for posting on Instagram currently is Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 11:00am. And Tuesday at 2:00pm. (2)


When a user finds your Instagram page, you have less than three seconds to gain their attention. First impressions definitely count! Therefore nailing your aesthetic will ensure these users engage with your page. 

To curate your insta feed, think about how you want it to look and feel overall. Establish a colour palette and stick to it. At PDPR, we create a monthly content plan for all our clients. This allows us to see how the graphics look together and if they align with the theme. Follow your branding styles and other guidelines too - this will ensure you are aligned with your brand’s ethos. 

Some aesthetically pleasing feeds we love:

@business_of_influence @thedailyedited and @iziangus


Like they say in film school, Content is King. The same applies for Instagram. You need to supply high quality and engaging content - whether that’s a photo, video, rich media post or branded graphic. Ensure that the content you’re producing is also engaging for your user. Ask questions, run competitions, continually test and tweak your content so you find what performs best.


Community engagement is vital and the key to growing an organic following. It is also a great way to boost your Engagement Rate! You need to start a conversation with your audience. You can do this by replying to stories, replying to comments within the first hour after you post, answering messages, liking images and following other accounts daily. Community engagement is done well when it’s done authentically, either by businesses themselves or by an agency that truly understands their brand. 


Hashtags are still a very effective tool to grow your following organically [and to get a better engagement!]. A post with a minimum use of one hashtag averages 12.6% more engagement than posts without any hashtags. (3) Make sure you use relevant and targeted hashtags on your post and you don’t go overboard with it! Too many hashtags let Instagram mark you as spam. PDPR recommends between 11 - 20 hashtags on your posts. To get a better engagement score, use your hashtags in the caption of your post instead of the first comment - this will allow you to reach a greater audience.


Make a plan and stick to it. Whether you are posting 5 times a week or 3 times a week - keeping a consistency with your posting will help your account to grow. However, make sure you put the time into creating the content. Quality over quantity. Quality content that your audience will love will garner a greater interest rather than a post that is rushed. 


Instagram Stories have skyrocketed over the past few years with now over 400million Instagrammers using them! (4) Stories are quick off-the-cuff photos and videos used by Influencers, brands and media alike. They are a great tool to add extra content to your account and also draw in a larger audience with Instagram’s new algorithm [only 7.5% of your audience will see your post on the feed]. (5) If you’re not posting stories to your account - you could be missing out on huge opportunities. 

If you need help with your social media - the Social Team at PDPR are here! Please contact us for a free e-consultation and social media audit. For all enquiries please email: 








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